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Making information available to community members and visitors is a crucial part of visitor management. And if done well it ensures that people who want to know about places can do; it ensures that local community members are the ones who are in charge of that information; and it ensures that vsitors are equipped with the information they need, in a way that directs them to places they can havea high quality experience, without having a high negative impact, for example in places that have so much footfall that the places become degraded.

So we started developing training for local community and business members on how to inform and support local visitors, both local and from far away.

We identified two main TC Vistor Hubs, one at the Centre of Pendeen, and one at the St Just Library, pending whenever lockdown allowed them to re-open.

Theses are supported by 11 following Visitor Information Points (ViPs), comprising local eateries, inns, cafes, art galleries, studios, shops, camp sites, attractions, a bike hire outlet and our golf club.

And our Covid Creative muscle also leapt into action: you need to be able to do this with absolute flexibility, with information you can move around easily, make the most of outdoor spaces when indoor is out of bounds owing to social distancing, andin such a way that any trained member of the community information team can manage it. The WhealBarrow was born.