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the four priorities

Four objectives, multiple actions:

1: extend the season and broaden the visitor base by:

  • developing and delivering a year-round programme of events and activities that are sensitive to the area
  • working collaboratively to support local ideas that fill the cultural, heritage and artistic gaps in the current events available

2: make existing information more easily visible to visitors by:

  • developing a Business Member Scheme to support cross-marketing of local businesses and provide training for local businesses and community groups
  • building a Tin Coast web presence, for all
  • funding wifi hotspots in areas where 4G coverage is weak
  • producing new printed materials and information boards

3: make the Tin Coast an easy place to visit and move around by:

  • enabling residents and visitors to access and travel around the Tin Coast using public transport, effectively creating a shuttle facility
  • connecting bus service with walks and trails and circular walks next to centres of population and promote with local health care providers to support healthy living
  • providing opportunities and support start-up businesses e.g. electric bicycle hire and walking tours
  • developing  innovative live timetable information

4: Improve public realm and signage for residents and visitors by:

  • improving cycling infrastucture
  • developing orientation signage to access the coast
  • providing two key visitor hubs to benefit visitors
  • improving footpaths, particularly links to bus stops as well as signage to the South West Coast Path