1: we've connected the dots of our public transport system
We’ve been working with our local bus companies and public realm managers to get better information about bus connections to enable more people to move around, with lower impact.
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Our objectives here were to:
We’ve been working with our local bus companies and public realm managers to get better information about bus connections to enable more people to move around, with lower impact.
We’ve been connecting bus service with walks and trails and circular walks next to centres of population, to help local health care providers to support healthy living, a bit of exercise and fresh air and all round making the most of our spectacular surroundings.
With dramatic coastline on one side and wild, rocky moorland on the other, soaring down one of the country’s most spectacular coast roads by bike will no doubt be an experience in itself.
Best explored all year round, in all weathers and most definitely out of your car, here is our list of essential packing for your trip to the Tin Coast. See you soon!
Look out, up, across and down. Revel in this place. Return with your own story of Tin Coast contrast, drama and adventure.
We’ve been providing opportunities and support to start-up (and established) businesses e.g. electric bicycle hire and walking tours – it’s all about connecting!
We’ve worked with an array of public realm and private services, to develop innovative live timetable information in St Just and Pendeen, so we can all get where we want to go when we want to go there!
And here are some of the resources we’ve created on our website to help all this come to life and enhance what we have in the community, both for people who live here, and the people who visit us.
Be guided by your senses. Feast on local sights and sounds. Connect with the contradictory forces of your surroundings and love the Tin Coast even more.
Getting around the Tin Coast is easier than you think – bus, bike or on foot, you can do it all without your car.
Look out, up, across and down. Revel in this place. Return with your own story of Tin Coast contrast, drama and adventure.
– developed Park at Geevor encouraging our visitors to explore on foot or by bike, and a Leave your Car Behind campaign
– developed the Xplor Tin Coast Walking App, with walking routes and countryside code, marine code, and Visitor Charter messaging
– Tin Coast website messaging and information about buses, live timetabling, bikes and walking routes
– used the Tin Coast Visitor Charter to encourage people to explore on foot/connect your senses/have a positive impact
– developed our Visitor Information Hubs and VIPs, together with a Leave your Car Behind messaging and Live Like a Local messaging
– developed great joint messaging for the Visitor Charter and more detailed campaigns with partners e.g. Sustainable Pendeen, Clean Cornwall, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Seal Sanctuary…
– developed volunteers’ and employees’ bike hub at Geevor
– installed electric car charging points and sustainable business messaging