Tin Coast Brand
Establish the Tin Coast as a distinctive Cornish destination by maintaining cohesive brand that uses landscape inspired colours, seasonal images and welcoming tones to connect audiences with a visual language that tells a story of our community, what we stand for, and the place we are proud to call home.
Visual elements of the Tin Coast brand working together
How do I use the Tin Coast Brand?
You might be inspired by the colours on this website or way in which our stories are told. Or you might like the natural, out of season themes to our photography, the tone of our ‘local life’ blog or how our Visitor Charter is written in a positive and warm way that aims to encourage positive behaviours.
If you are telling your own stories from the Tin Coast, taking your own promotional photos or writing your own itineraries and messaging and want some help, head to our file sharing platform and you will find:
- Tone of Voice Guide – writing tips and themes that will help you sound welcoming. If you are helping with a contribution to the ‘Local Life’ blog then this guide is a must!
- Brand Guidelines – colours palettes and a summary guide to taking photos.
- Visitor Charter – we know you already know but when it comes to visitors, this guides everything that we do, and it is available in a format that you can quickly edit, copy and make your own.
Tin Coast Logo and Rockprint
And the Tin Coast Logo and fonts?
We a really proud of the Tin Coast logo and ‘The Rockprint’ that sits at its centre. This mark cleverly encapsulates the essence of the area combining granite with a thumbprint to represent our rugged geography and the community that defines us.
If you would like to use the Tin Coast logo in some way please talk to us. Our Brand Guidelines give the basic do’s and don’ts but it is important that we know why, where and how you’d like to use the logo.
Our fonts are licensed and therefore we don’t own them.
Where has the Tin Coast brand come from and why use it?
Created as a direct outcome from a session, held at Cape Cornwall Club, attended by people who live and work on the Tin Coast where they we asked (and others more widely online) one question.
What was important to you about this place?
The answers to this question told us how important visitors are to the area but that more needs to be done to encourage people to stay longer, stay local, and spend local and that this has to be underpinned by sensitive and authentic visitor information that puts our community and environment first with the Tin Coast as a visitor destination second.
In discussing this in more detail we learned that our ‘pre visit’ messaging must do all that it can to overcome the seasonality challenge and the ‘now that you are here’ visitor messaging should not only connect people to our local landscape but also to an understanding of what the place means to the people it has been passed on to. We should do this by:
- Telling first hand personal stories that the local community want to tell – building true and honest meaning.
- Embracing seasonal change.
- Encouraging connection to the landscape and discovering the close link between it, our local heritage and community, observing how this has changed overtime and will change in the future.
- Exploring with the senses. Really looking at, smell, taste, touch and hearing what there is to be found
- Be positive. Be consistent – show how and why visitors are an important part of the local community and the power of this messaging and the choices and behaviours it will encourage in return.
The Tin Coast brand and our Visitor Charter is our response to this and uphold these values. Any future marketing campaigns that are coordinated by the Tin Coast Network will be place sensitive and driven by these values.
❝ If other businesses and organisations share in and celebrate the values behind the Tin Coast brand and use these values to tell their own stories and messaging from the Tin Coast, it will show commitment to all the things that the community stand for. ❞