Embrace the wild skies of the west, where stormy weather battering the isolated outpost of the Cape Cornwall National Coastwatch station is just another day in the office.
Learn how to connect with the Tin Coast’s ancient history through the haze of a sunset and feel the magic of the open elements through the eyes of those who work alongside them every day.
❝The weather here is fascinating - You can watch it, and see it and feel it and disappear into it when we get these thick thick fogs that happen here from the sea mist coming in.❞
❝The reason this is called a Cape is because historically it was thought to be the most westerly point in England. When the area was surveyed by the Dutch in the seventeen hundreds, it was found that Lands End was about a hundred metres further west that Cape Cornwall is.❞
Immerse yourself in the traditions created by the people who shaped the landscape long ago, and find out how those very traditions are being brought back to life today.
A landscape once simultaneously ravaged by nature and industry, discover how the unique mining history of the Tin Coast has shaped the community that thrives here today.